Monday, January 31, 2011

User error?

Someone on the ThyCa listserv finally gave me a reason why my FT4 levels have been above range for all of my blood draws. On my blood draw days, I usually take my Levoxyl, as usual, when I get up, then 2 or so hours later, I get my blood drawn. Well, turns out that taking my Levoxyl before my blood draw can make my FT4 number higher than normal, so I am supposed to take my Levoxyl after the draw. I think there was only one time when I had my blood draw in the afternoon, not sure if that would still affect my FT4 level, but it does explain the other high numbers.

Anyway, my FT4 level is the least of my worries right now. Didn't hear back from my ENDO's office today, nor did I hear from the lady who is supposed to schedule my DCR. I have not told my boss that I may need to have this done. I still need to get a second opinion for the DCR, and a second opinion for my scar v thyroid tissue issue.....Argh!!!!

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