Monday, January 17, 2011

Eye doc says

I had my six month follow up eye appt this afternoon. My eye doc wanted to do a check up to make sure my vision did not change, which is a possible side affect from RAI.

My left eye has been tearing up on its own for a few months now, but just in the last week or two has started to do so on a daily basis. Usually sometime in the afternoon, no matter what I am doing. It even started to tear up during my appt! My eye doc said there was no change to my vision - Yay!, then started to look at my tear ducts. He put some eye numbing drops in my eyes, then came back with a syringe (or some sort of implement to get into my tear ducts) filled with I think he said saline solution to try and flush out any possible obstructions in my tear ducts. The second attempt on my right eye was successful, but he tried twice on my left eye, and both times the solution ended running down my face instead of down the tear duct. So he referred me to a 'Plastic and Reconstructive Eye Surgery' doc down the street to treat the Nasolacrimal duct obstruction in my left eye. He said it was most likely a partial obstruction since it is not tearing constantly, and that it would probably be fixed with a similar procedure.

Great, so if I am lucky, it'll be a really short office visit. If I am not lucky, then it'll be some sort of out-patient surgery......

Now for the not so good news. The girl that did the pre-testing on my eyes, before my eye doc looked at everything, said her uncle just had surgery for suspicious scar tissue/thyroid tissue in his neck. She said he was told that the recovery would take at least five months. He had a hard time eating (needed a food tube). Fun. But she also said that it was cancerous thyroid tissue, so her uncle was glad he had the surgery. Ok, not what I wanted to hear, but at least I now know I am not the only person that has had something suspicious show up on a neck ultrasound. I just hope and pray it is scar tissue, and not thyroid tissue. Because in my mind, if it is thyroid tissue, that means it is most likely cancerous thyroid tissue that some how escaped the RAI ablation dose from last July, and somehow has managed to survive despite my thyroid meds and blood apparently has unfinished business with me.

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