Wednesday, June 15, 2011

1-yr WBs

WBS completed. Waiting to have my Thyroglobulin (Tg/TgAB) blood draw. The NucMed tech let me see what was taken on the last of the 3 scans. Clear thyroid bed!

 The scan:
"Gamma machine" - used for my 1-yr WBS
I wasn't as late this morning as I was Monday morning, thank goodness! They had me empty my bladder 'real good' before I was taken into the room with the machine. I was slightly swaddled on the moveable bed of the machine so that my clothing and body parts would not interfere with and stop the machine during the first scan (the one, like last year, where it felt like little people were carrying me through the machine). Then I was told to hold still for the entire scan.

I was told the first scan would last about 25mins, the bed would slowly place me in position for both 'pictures' that needed to be taken for the WBS. That would be followed by two 10min scans that would focus on my thyroid bed.

I drifted in and out of sleep for the first scan, but somewhere during the second picture, I had a tickle at the back of my throat. How was I supposed to deal with that if I am supposed to remain as still as possible? Well, luckily my torso was scanned first, so I coughed as carefully as possible. Before the second set of pictures, the tech placed a marker on my neck so he could properly focus on my thyroid bed. Both of these scans went very quickly.

After the scan, I asked if I could see the scans. He could only show me the last one that was taken. I saw uptake (black dots) in my salivary glands, which he said was normal. There were some other random black spots in what looked like my chest area. He said everything looked clear. Sounds good, but I know that the NucMed doc and my ENDO both have to review and confer on the scan results, so even if it sounds like my scans are clean, I need to hear it from my ENDO.

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