Sunday, April 17, 2011

How does my neck look? 4/17/11

Wow, where did the weekend go? It is already Sunday night.

I was taking notes on my energy level this weekend since I think I am over caffeinated. I have been drinking several cups of coffee in the mornings at work since....since I returned to work, it seems. So when my ENDO asked me about my energy level a few days ago, I knew I couldn't give him a straight answer because I know in the back of my mind I've been depending on caffeine to keep me going during the work week. This is probably why I end up really tired on the weekends in the afternoon - because I don't pump myself up with several cups of coffee on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Well, if I go out to breakfast, then yes, I would be loading up on the coffee, decaf, but I don't do that that often either. So both days, I needed a nap. For the past weekends it has been pretty much the same thing. Well, not last weekend since I was sick. I think I better cut down on my morning coffee consumption - go back to decaf, and just one cup, er tumbler since I drink out of a 12 oz tumbler at work, not a cup/mug.

Now the dog thing...I have been in contact with a vet that will come to my house and 'take care' of Frankie for me. I'm still having a problem going through with this. He still has problems getting up on his own a lot of the time, but when he is up and happy, he literally skips and jumps around, like there is nothing wrong with his lower back/hips. I think the massage sessions have been working wonders on him. I took him to Noah's for a bath yesterday and Hannah and Megan both think he looks better than ever, even walking around. I told them it was going to happen next weekend or the weekend after. I still can't get myself to tell the vet which date. Isn't there another option for this situation? Argh!!! But we did want him to go out  strong, with dignity, not in pain and completely miserable. He seems really happy most of the time, so in a way, he is where we wanted him to be when it was time. Now if I could just follow up on my end...

So, how does my neck and my Frankie look?

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