Friday, January 7, 2011


My climbing friend, Serena, told me that she will most likely be leaving San Diego sometime this year. Her husband has been working and living in Philadelphia since last February as there are no jobs in his field here. I'm bummed about it, but it is probably the best thing for them - I don't think I could live apart from my husband or boyfriend for that long. She flies back east once a month, but distance still takes a toll on a relationship.

She's not leaving tomorrow or next week, so I still get to climb and workout with her after pilates for a couple more months. But it still feels like when Jen left San Francisco to move back to La Habra, or when I left San Francisco to move back to San Diego. But, we all have to go where we need to be, go somewhere new, make things happen.

It is weird when you finally realize what you need to do. Sometimes we fight it as long as we can, we deny it. I fought for as long as I could to not have my first thyroid surgery - about six or seven weeks. It was my boss that helped me to see that I just needed to do it. I was just so afraid of that cut going across my throat - it just seemed like sudden death, a slit to my throat. Then I wanted to put if off until after my parent's 50th wedding anniversary. She told me the sooner I had it done, the sooner I would know if it were benign or not, then I could deal with it accordingly. If I was still avoiding that surgery now, who knows how big my tumors would have grown? or if it would have spread outside of my thyroid. I am glad that I took care of it when I did. I know she doesn't want to leave San Diego, but I'm sure once she gets to wherever they are heading, she too will be glad that she did.

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