Thursday, November 3, 2011

Neurology appt

The neuro doc told me that my PT thinks I may have a pinched nerve. However, he didn't see any areas of concern, but he still wanted to cover all of his bases and do the nerve/needle test before sending me off to an arm doc. So, I go back in for that at the beginning of next month.

I probably seemed like a nut-case to the neuro doc. "Does my arm feel numb or is there tingling? Numbness means you can't feel anything, so can you feel anything or not? What kind of action results in that feeling?" Huh?!? I honestly felt like I didn't know, and it did not help that the pain/soreness I was experiencing in my arm/shoulder the day before wasn't exactly the same as I had been experiencing - I had soreness along my right shoulder blade in addition to a very unhappy supraspinatus and the normal pissed off deltoid. Then came some more personal questions, like "Why is your left eye (lid) droopy?", and "How long has your right shoulder been lower than the left?" He did a full neurological exam on me, similar to what I remember seeing my dad go through after his stroke last summer. Then he messed with my right arm, a lot, so it was no surprise that my right arm and shoulder were very sore the rest of the day.

Yesterday, at my PT appt, my PT again said he gets the best results after he works on my spine (the C 4 and 5, and T4 areas, I guess). However, I have not had any trauma to my spine. So I guess that is why my arm/shoulder pain are a bit of a mystery to my PT. Was happy that he ended the session with heat instead of ice this time. Later, at run club, I was getting soreness while running. So, I don't know then if it is getting better or not because it didn't hurt last week or the week before during run club

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