Friday, October 1, 2010

October is here!

Wasn't quite sure how I'd make it through September since it was my first month back at work. I had my ups and my downs, the downs being the afternoon sleepiness that hit me at mid-month. Still not sure what is going on there. I still have the leg cramps, after running and pilates. I'm still trying to get more sleep each night. From what I've been reading on my ThyCa group emails, there is concern over lack of vitamin D and calcium (bone density issues), and athletic ThyCans sometimes need higher does of T4 (Levoxyl, Synthroid, etc.) to keep the TSH level where it needs to be. Since I'm going in for my annual check up with my PCP in a few weeks, I think I'll ask her about testing for vitamin D and calcium, and request a full workup for my labs; all other questions will go to my ENDO.

Holy smokes! - I thought I lost my iPod nano. I accidentally left it at the gym last night. I freaked out when I couldn't find it in my gym bag when I was getting ready to up load my run/walk treadmill workout. Thank goodness a good samaritan at my gym turned it in. I was sure who ever found it would've taken it. As soon as they told me they had it, I went back to the gym to pick it up. So glad I don't have to buy a new one!

The last work day of September was a pretty good one for me. The one thing I love the most about my job is when I uncover a problem and manage to figure it out or fix it all by myself. I had a lot of those moments this week, well, actually I've had several for my first month back, so I actually feel like I do my job well, still, despite the fact that I was gone for four months. Now if I could only just figure out how to do the coding and programming for SharePoint, then I could really make a good case for myself. We had a meeting yesterday morning, one of the topics was what to do about one of the databases (list) I manage. I got a bit lost in the conversation as I had lightning going off outside my office window and a bit of thyroid brain fog competing with the discussion. I came to when one of my co-workers (incidentally I was the only one on the phone for the meeting, everyone else was in SF) asked me what I thought about the plan of action. I heard a few snippets of it, so all I could muster for a reply was "I'll do whatever it takes to get it going", and I then I think I volunteered to go up to one of the LA offices to work on it with said co-worker. Well, the upside is I'm pretty sure I didn't volunteer or agree to anything that would require me to dance on top of tables in a questionable bar somewhere in BFE, so that's a good thing. The potential downside is that I could be driving up to LA for a day or two each week until the end of the year as my boss would like the new incarnation of the database ready by the first quarter of next year. But I'm up for the challenge. As long as my meds are not failing me, I'm good to go....bring it on!

So here we are, in the home stretch of this year, the last quarter, the last couple of holidays. First birthday after ThyCa diagnosis and treatment. I have to say that when I was hoping that my 40's would be unlike any other decade I had completed, I had no idea it would start the way it did. But I'm still here, still trying to be a survivor, still looking forward to whatever comes my way. October is here, after all.

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