Monday, December 27, 2010

Last year's blood work

I finally found my lab report from last November - I thought I lost it! To review, last November (2009), at my annual check up, my PCP noticed that the left side of my thyroid was larger that it should be. Included in my blood work were my TSH, Free T4, and Total T3. My ENDO has not requested a Total T3 yet, so I have no idea what my current numbers are for that, but below are the results from last year and my current levels for TSH and FT4:

Blood work 11/09
TSH 2.25 (range .34 - 4.82)
FT4 .72 (range .55 - 1.20)
TT3 124 (range (60-181)

So, my levels look great, don't they? But we all know now that there was something really wrong going on with my thyroid. I remember being told that my levels were within range, and this is probably why my ENDO thought, earlier this year, that it was probably benign, and he'd just have to watch it to make sure it didn't grow, or turn malignant. So keep in mind that even if your thyroid levels look fine, there could be something really wrong going on with it.

Blood work 12/10
TSH .01 (range .35 - 5.5)
FT4 1.9 (range .7 - 1.5)

My ENDO wants my TSH below 1.0, which I still think is way too high. Everything I have read and everyone on the ThyCa listserv and in my support group meetings have all been told that it needs to be below .5, to be safe; less than .01 is too low. My FT4 is still too high; to bring it down, T4 dosage (Levoxyl, Synthroid, Armour, etc.) is usually reduced. However, lowering my Levoxyl dosage still has not lowered my FT4 level. I am at 125mcg right now. I'm suffering from really bad Thyroid brain fog right now, but not sure what is causing it yet.

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