Sunday, December 26, 2010

How does my neck look? 12/26/10

It's been too long since my last scar post. I did manage to take a few shots of my scar since the last post, but just never got around to uploading and commenting on it. This one it taken from a lower angle than usual. I seem to use more photos of my scar that are taken looking down on the scar as opposed to looking straight on, or from a lower angle. I've been trying to find a good one that shows the redder tone of my scar, but it never seems to look that red in any of the photos. I saw some photos from May, when my sisters were in town after my first surgery. Wow - it was very prominent, dark, and looked thicker. It is amazing how much better it looks seven months later. How did people not see it before? I wasn't hiding out at home the whole time, and I most definitely did not cover it up! Interesting. Anyway, how does my neck look?

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