All clear. No changes to my neck (ultrasound results), undetectable Tg levels, TSH and FT4 are fine.
Said the only other option, for meds is Armour, but didn't think we needed to go there yet. Now, I was surprised he is Ok to prescribe it because most Endo's won't.
I did mention my weight gain issue. I said I am having a hard time getting exercise in - no running, no climbing, no yoga or pilates. He said weight gain is a hard one, because there could be so many other factors like the exercise routine issue I have. I guess that means if I am still having problems even after I start working out regularly again, then he might try the dosage change.
He renewed my Levoxyl prescription and said to come back in 6 months. No ultrasound for that one (keep that as an annual check), but have blood work done before that appt. Cool.
I also asked if he could tell me the results of my MRI. He said they found a (or was that a couple of) small tears in my rotator cuff, nothing PT can't fix, he says. I also mentioned being sick a lot lately, and my eye thing this past weekend. How did it happen, he asked. I guess just the constant eye dabbing and doing so with dirty hands. He said it looked like it cleared up.
Ok. Not too bad of an appt. Didn't feel like anything was being overlooked. He still seemed a butt rushed, but I didn't have any pressing questions, so I am Ok with it this time.