I'm new to blogging as I am to having thyroid cancer. Well, I actually have two different kinds of thyroid cancer (Hurthle cell carcinoma, Papillary carcinoma), and I have probably had both of them for some time now since the largest tumor (Hurthle cell) was 3.2 cm when it was removed with my left thyroid lobe on May 3, 2010. But I didn't find out I had cancer until May 11, 2010 (and then again on May 20, 2010 when I got the second diagnosis), so like I said, I'm still pretty new to having it.
One of my sisters suggested that I start a journal so I can write down all of my feelings as I go through this unexpected turn in my life. Another sister (I have three of them) suggested start a blog that I can either publish or keep to myself, like a digital journal; if I choose to publish it, then my friends and family could read it and see how I am doing. Well, that sure beats emailing everyone all the time! So after careful thought of what to name said blog, I decided to go with 'How does my neck look?' since I take pictures of my neck every day so I can see how the scar from my two surgeries is healing. The other choice was 'My name is _______, and weird things happen to me', but I didn't want to use my real name ("to protect the innocent" as one of my friends and an avid running blogger suggested), so that one, even if I did like it, was not going to work.
So, this is my blog...welcome to my world!